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During our first year of operation, Dare to Run hosted an event for International Women's Day, a #WomenLead Networking Night, A College Networking Event, and a Leadership Conference.  

International Women's Day Panel: March 8, 2018 - The Challenge to Serve

Dare to Run hosted its first event of 2018 - an International Women's Day Panel, in partnership with the LGBT Center of Lower Manhattan.  Guest speakers included Speaker Adrienne Adams, Councilwoman Helen Rosenthal, Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, Kat Brezler and Jennifer Maertz.  The event was attended by over 50 individuals and others representing nonprofit organizations in the community.    

#WomenLead Networking Night: A Conversation with Senator Roxanne Persaud of District 45: April 26, 2018

Dare to Run hosted #WomenLead Networking Night, featuring New York State Senator Roxanne Persaud, who attended and spoke about her decision to run for office and what lead the way to that.  She also talked about why it was so important for women to run for office and represent their communities on all issues.  Participants also held focus group and were ale to network and share their ideas and thoughts about why women should run.  

Dare to Run College Networking Night: June 28th, 2018

On June 28th, 2018, Dare to Run hosted its College Networking Night at WeWork NYC.  We partnered with Motivote to Focus the  conversation on Why Women Need to Run for Office.  Members of the Board of Dare to Run, Advisory Council, and community members attended to participate and share their thoughts on how to get more women to run for public office at all levels of government.  .  

Dare to Run Women's Leadership Conference: October 6, 2018

On October 6, 2018, Dare to Run hosted its very first Women's Leadership Conference at the Girl Scouts of Greater New York in Lower Manhattan.  We had over 10 amazing Speakers, including:  Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright, Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, Councilwoman Diana Ayala and AssIemblywoman Carmen De La Rosa. In addition to these inspiring female legislators, we also had the following amazing canddiates for office: Ashley Zanatta, Candidate for the 62nd Assembly District on Staten Island, Jasi Robinson, Candidate for the 23rd Senatorial District on Staten Island. We also have Farnaz Rezai, an experienced campaign professional and our keynote speakers, New York State Senator Liz Krueger and Patrice Tanaka.  What an awesome day of panels, speeches, networking and solution finding!