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Join the Board of Dare to Run

Board of Directors Role

Summary: As a member of the Board of Directors, you assume responsibility for ensuring that the organization fulfills its mission to train and empower more women to run for office at all levels of government. 

Specifically, Board members are expected to do the following:

  • Support and uphold the mission and values and goals of Dare to Run. 

  • Actively participate in defining and implementing the organization’s strategic vision and plans. 

  • Contribute an average of 15-20 hours monthly

  • Attend monthly board meetings.

  • Actively participate in at least one board committee.

  • Fundraises on behalf of the organization.  Fundraising methods include: personal contributions, asking friends to contribute, encouraging event sales, sending emails/text messages, procuring partnerships with external organizations, and any other method of encouraging people to donate to the organization. 

  • Make a financial gift of personal significance.

  • Be familiar with the organization’s bylaws, personnel policies and other key policies guiding governance and operational practices.

  • Understand and respect one another as board members.

  • Participate in the annual evaluation of the executive director. 

  • Assist in identifying prospective board members. 

  • ​

In general board member responsibilities are expected to fulfill their legal and fiduciary responsibilities by completing the following:



  • To prepare for, and attend in their entirety, board meetings

  • To serve in leadership positions and committee assignments willingly and enthusiastically when asked

  • To bring a sense of humor to the board’s deliberations

  • To apply obedience to the law of the governance documents, a duty of care and loyalty to the organization

Policy and Planning:

  • To participate in the development and establishment of policies through which the work of the organization is accomplished

  • To suggest policy related agenda items for meetings and ask timely and substantive questions while supporting the majority decision on matters decided by the board

  • To help ensure effective organizational planning by reviewing critiquing and approving annual budgets and work plans, as well as long-range plans

  • To identify changing consumer, constituency and stakeholder interest and build stakeholder investment


  • To ensure the organization’s long-term financial stability and integrity

  • To adopt an annual budget that is financially responsible

  • To ensure that periodic audits of the organization’s finances are conducted and otherwise assist the board to fulfill its fiduciary responsibility

  • Make a meaningful contribution to the board by the end of the fiscal year


  • To make every effort to ensure that the organization has the resources to meet current and long-term financial solvency

  • To make a financial gift to the organization that is personally significant

  • To understand and support the organization’s fund development efforts, even if you are not expected to ask for funds yourself

  • To use every opportunity to heighten the profile of the organization in the community and to its members/constituents



  • To maintain independence and objectivity and serve with a sense of ethics and personal integrity

  • To fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information that may result in a perceived or actual conflict of interest; or information of fact that would have significance in board-decision making

  • To exercise the powers invested for the goo of all members of the organization, or of the entity you represent, rather than for personal benefit

  • To respect the confidentiality of sensitive information known due to board service

  • To respect the diversity of opinion as expressed or acted upon by the board, its committees and membership, and formally register dissent as appropriate

  • To promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among the board and staff


Self- Assessment

  • To participate in the board’s periodic assessment of its own performance and recommend improvement in such areas as composition, organization, tenure, retention and responsibilities


Submit your Application to Join the Board of Dare to Run!

Upload Resume


Upload Cover Letter


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Dare to Run, Inc.

501(c)3 Not for Profit Organization

6816 4th Avenue 

Brooklyn NY 11220





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*All contributions to the organization are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  

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